#1. How it all began….
Kodidog’s Tales of Dames With Canes Kodi has a friend who was born in Holland, but has lived in Canada for a great deal of her adult life. They see each other about twice a year, and in July 2022 they got together for Toos’ fabulous Bhami, an Indonesian dish that she cooks beautifully. Both of them were musing about their upcoming birthdays 🥳 in September. Kodi would be 74 and Toos 78. Oh where did those years go…. 🙃 ? Toos was feeling restless, as her health hadn’t been good, and she’d not been out of the house much since the beginning of 2022. The first time she had gone shopping with her granddaughter, and then to a restaurant for lunch afterwards, she’d caught Covid. Life seemed pretty grim to her. Kodi said “ I don’t know how much more traveling you will be doing, but while you can..think about seeing Las Vegas. It’s a great place to celebrate your birthday. You should try to do that some year. “ Toos looked up from her cof...